Welcome to Carmine's

Italian Restaurants in Las Vegas

Nevada / Las Vegas,NV /

About Carmine's in Las Vegas

Italian Restaurants in Las Vegas

Carmine's Italian Restaurant in Las Vegas

Carmine's is a family style restaurant offering exceptional value to its guests through the many dishes of Southern Italian cuisine.


Sunday - Thursday
11:00am to 11pm

Friday - Saturday
11:00am to Midnight
Carmine's in Las Vegas Las Vegas,NVItalian Restaurants,family style restaurant,Carmine's in Las Vegas Italian Restaurants in Las Vegas, Address,Phone Numbers,Email id

Hits: 4741, Rating : Las Vegas ( 5 ) by 1 User(s).



Our Address

3500 South Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA.

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+1 702.473.9700